From day one, we're dedicated to you and your family.
At Crossover, being a disciple of Jesus is a mission that touches every part of our lives. From our jobs to our friendships, and especially our families. We dedicate little ones in our body as a way to come alongside their parents as they seek to raise their kiddos in a way that glorifies God and motivates the children to follow Jesus with their whole selves.
We don't just dedicate children.
We see our child dedications as more than you just taking your little one up on stage and us speaking or praying a few words over them. Dedications involves a promise that you make to us, and just as importantly, a promise we make to you. We vow through dedications to come alongside your whole family as you seek to raise them in the Lord, and equip you to do that as effectively as possible.
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs 22:6