
GrowthGroup Portal


All info for each list item is below
  • Take Attendance
  • Review the GrowthGroup covenant
  • Check Upcoming Events
  • Check to see if there are any video updates from Pastor Jonathan


  • How is the group doing? Take the group's temperature.
    • Are we praying for each other often? How are we engaging in scripture and Bible study? Are we enjoying life with each other outside of our group time? How can we grow in each of these areas?
  • Who needs support? How can we carry each others' burdens? (Gal. 6:2)
  • Discuss short and long-term goals for the group

GrowthGroup Committment

As a member of this GrowthGroup I commit to:

  1. Attending the majority of the meetings and making them a priority in my schedule. If I am not able to attend for some reason, I will let my group know.
  2. Coming to group meetings prepared and ready to participate.
  3. Being accountable to my group concerning my personal and spiritual goals as well as continuing to grow in my vulnerability with the group.  
  4. Maintaining confidentiality of the personal information that is shared within my GrowthGroup. I understand my leader may communicate appropriate information to those in leadership as necessary, and I trust his or her discernment in this.

Updates from Pastor Jon

Upcoming Events

Full Calendar View
Pathways Events
Crossover Kids Events
Men's Events
Women's Events
All-Church Events
Crossover Youth Events
Make a Difference Events
Discipleship Events
RSVP Events