
Go Bananas!

Summer 2024 Giving Campaign

Help those in our community facing food insecurity!

Right here in Spokane and surrounding  areas, many school age children depend on Bite2Go, a program that provides weekend shelf, stable food packages for those children identified by the school staff.

Each participating school has a sponsor and Crossover Church has been sponsoring approximately 35 children at Colbert Elementary right here in our own backyard! The cost to sponsor a student is $15 a month, or $180 a year.
This summer we are focusing on fundraising and securing financial partners for the coming school year with a goal is $10,000 to meet the projected increased demand. Join us with whatever commitment level or donation that you are able by giving below or bringing cash back in the coin boxes given to Crossover Kids!

Would you consider sponsoring a student in need? Give below!